Technical Writing

Click here to REGISTER

Course Outline:

Technical Writing is a very important skill in any kind of work. It is important in Engineering, Sciences, and even in understanding simple tools. Most people confuse business writing for technical writing. In this module, we will understand Technical Writing and learn how it is different compared to other genres of writing. We will also learn about the effective ways that we can create a technical write up in order to ensure a wider audience coverage and clarity. The module covers topics about common errors made by Filipino technical writers. It also discusses how we can minimize Filipinisms in writing so that we can create a comprehensive report that is world-class.


At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the different types of writing genre and how technical writing stands out.
  2. Know how to start-up your technical write up.
  3. Learn to construct clear and understandable sentences in your write up.
  4. Learn how to self-edit your technical report.
  5. Discuss the common formats and forms of technical writing.


I – Understanding Technical Writing

  1. What is Technical Writing
  2. How is it different (Creative Writing, News Writing, and Business Writing)
  3. Overview: Tasks of Technical Writing
  4. Considerations in Technical Writing (Translation, Standards, Accessibility)
  5. Tools in Technical Writing

II – Writing Basics Review

  1. Planning and Analysis
  2. Outlining
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Collating Data
  5. Audience Analysis: Types, Importance, and Effective Approaches
  6. Journalism Approach: The Inverted Pyramid
  7. Common Filipino Errors in Writing
  8. Prepositions
  9. Subject Verb Agreement
  10. Filipinisms
  11. Punctuations
  12. Writing Your Material (Tips)
  13. Write in the Past Tense
  14. Using Simple Sentences
  15. KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
  16. The Active Voice and the Passive Voice
  17. Do’s and Don’ts

Constructing Clear Sentences

  1. Review: Parts of a sentence
  2. Constructing Sentences (Structure and practice)
  3. Parenthetic Phrases
  4. Refining and Editing Your Write Up

IV – Sneak Preview: Standard Parts of a Technical Report

  1. Title Page
  2. Letter of Transmittal
  3. Preface
  4. Table of Contents
  5. List of Tables, Drawing, Charts, etc.
  6. Summary
  7. Body Text
  8. Conclusions and Recommendations
  9. Bibliography

V – Other Technical Reports

  1. Incident Report
  2. Technical Manual
  3. Handbooks


You may click the link to download the Registration Form and send it to or you may follow the instructions below.

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration. For Free Events, you will not be receiving any Statement of Account.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment, if applicable.
5. For paid events, you may send the signed and scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip, if applicable.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice for paid sessions, please call us at (02) 7508-3271.

COMPETAD’s 1st Cable Splicing and Termination Workshop – A Success

25 May 2016 – COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services has concluded the very first Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination in the Philippines. This training is only a few of its kind in the country.

Attended by nine participants from different parts of the archipelago, the learning event was a truly successful one. The first day was an introduction to the theories and principles behind the process of Cable Splicing and Termination while the second day was spent on hands-on training and practical application. It was a truly memorable, enjoyable, and worthwhile. All the participants added that they truly learned a lot from the session and they have also enjoyed the fun-facilitation of our trusted speaker.

Engr. Glenmar Cambri, the resource speaker for the said event, is a Senior Application Engineer of the 3M Philippines Technical Division. 3M is a world leader in engineering  and technology and is a prominent brand for cable splicing and termination equipment and supplies.

Cable Splicing Photo 1

At the end of the session, the participants were given an attendance certificate by COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services as well as an internationally recognized certificate of attendance from 3M.

COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services would be holding succeeding sessions for the Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination. For inquiries, you may call us at (02) 433 3342 and at (0998)5624984 to 85. To be updated about our training and seminars, you may also like or leave a message at our Facebook page at

Cable Splicing Photo 2


Leadership and Supervision Workshop


Click here to REGISTER


All companies require good leaders to steer their business into the right decisions. Leaders need to be a person of influence, not just an authority that employees fear. Front line leaders or supervisors have a huge impact in the delivery of results. This training helps empower our leaders and provide them with the know-how in self-coaching and coaching others as well. There is a segment that helps leaders make decisions based on what most.
This course provides interactive discussions and activities about how to take the next step and make big decisions. It allows new leaders to start with a fresh idea on how to manage their team. It also gives a clearer understanding of where their place is in the business and how they can influence people. This workshop also allows seasoned leaders to revisit their perspectives and see a holistic and balanced approach in handling varying business situations. It provides insights on how you can make intelligent decisions to lead a team effectively and efficiently.

Any new leaders who would like to learn new ways of managing their teams.Coaching
Seasoned supervisors who would like to learn new approaches in managing their teams.
Aspiring leaders who would like to learn how it is to handle a team.

I – Course Introduction
     A. Understanding One’s Values and the Business Values
     B. Knowing One’s Place in the Business
     C. Knowing How to Effectively Supervise Others
     D. Understanding Change Management

II. Aligning Me to my Company
       1. Circles of Control
       2. Face Time (Moments of Truth)
       3. My mind set and my subordinates
       4. Leadership Qualities
III. Setting Goals and Expectations
       1. SMART Goals
       2. Setting Expectations
       3. The Ingredients for good performance
       4. Coaching and mentoring
       5. Aspects of Coaching
IV. Influential Leadership Behavior
       1. The Learning Cycle
       2. Building Commitment (Levels of Commitment)
       3. Directing and Supporting


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking here.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your learning investment deposit.
5. Send the scanned copy of the signed Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02)4333342.

Coaching People and Maximizing Your Influence


by Philip Nucleus Sia I

When you hear the word coaching, what probably comes to mind is the idea of telling people what they need to do, like in a basketball team’s huddle. So when you take on a role in the corporate world that requires leading people, you’d probably see it normal that bosses would do the same. While it is true that you sometimes need to give instructions to people, there is more to it than just that. Let us learn and see what other things comprise the recipe for good coaching so we can be more influential in leading people.

Coaching involves building a relationship. As a pre-requisite to coaching, it is important that you know who you will coach. Knowing their personality will help you choose the right words and the motivational points that will influence the person. While you do not need to know every minute detail about the person to achieve this, you have to learn about the reasons that your employee is working with you. Every person has a dream or a goal, albeit some are not aware how they can achieve them. As a leader, you have the power to help the person realize those goals by guiding them. Let them see how their actions now can help them get to those goals. When doing your coaching, you can connect their personal goals to the tasks they need to do. This provides them with the inspiration to work on tasks with less supervision. In a country like the Philippines, where we value the concept of “pakisama” (getting along with others) very much, being a leader requires that you know who you are working with in order to be effective. So go talk to your direct reports about personal matters, say hi to them every day. Thank them for coming to work. Ask them about how their family members are doing. It isn’t prying into their privacy. It is learning more about them so you would know how to help them.

Coaching requires listening. While it can be tempting to be the one talking during your coaching session, it woulld be great to show your employees that you can listen. You have probably experienced at a certain point working with a manager who only gives orders. How does it make you feel? Does his actions positively influence how you work? Does it inspire you? Needless to say, very few people would like someone who does not listen. When you listen, not only do you encourage the person to see you positively, it also allows you to filter between excuses and real reasons. Ask questions to solicit a conversation. Let the person tell you what happened based on their perspective. This will allow the person to think through and reflect on their own mistakes. Not all questions are good however so you have to be cautious about what you ask. Questions that assume that the employee is at fault may result to further damage such as, “Why didn’t you do anything about it?” Questions that start with “Why” generally encourage a defensive behaviour so stay away from questions like those — use What, Where, When, and How. Questions such as, “What happened?” “Where do you think you can make a difference?” or “How could you have helped the situation?” are very powerful questions that allow your employees to reflect. Encouraging this kind of reflective thinking helps people get out of their learned helplessness, which may minimize your supervising work later on. It is important to ask questions that are blame-free and neutral.

Coaching must have a call for action. After each of the coaching sessions, it is important that we ask the person what they will do if they are faced with a similar situation. This allows you to check what learning they got from your coaching. This also provides them with accountability and ownership for their promised solution. If the action solely came from the leader, employees may be impartial about the required action thereby resulting to a lower level of commitment. This commitment increases when the leader knows how to solicit an action item coming from the employee themselves. Sometimes, when employees could not come up with solutions, it is important for a leader to guide the employees through a series questions. Your ability to do this will help improve your scope of influence among your direct reports.

If you would like to learn more about how you can be a more effective coach to your direct reports, or if you would like to learn the art of asking questions that will guide your employees, you may attend our workshop on coaching. We also offer in-house workshops. Please contact us through (02) 433 3342 or (+63) 998 562 49 85.


The Philippines HR Group Summit 2016


The Philippines HR Group has successfully concluded its first publicly-held learning event last 18 November 2016 at the MK Tan Hall Bayanihan Center in Pasig City. The Philippines HR Group is an online-based group that was established in July 2015. Its mission is to create an avenue that promotes and fosters individual and organizational effectiveness by developing and offering an array of innovative, diverse, and cost-effective yet valuable events, programs and activities for Human Resource Professional and People Managers alike. The organization is composed of three groups led by Mr. Darwin Rivers – The Philippines HR Group Moderators and Administrators, The Philippines HR Group Mentor’s Circle, and the Philippines HR Group Core Volunteers Team. As it has been our advocacy in promoting learning and development among professionals in the country, The COMPETAD Team is proud to be part of the Core volunteers group that has helped make the event possible.

The highlights of the event were inspirational talks from nine of the country’s top HR Professionals. In the morning session, we listened to Mr. Sonny Santos (Chief Equipping Officer – WSPH Training & Consulting) who warmed up everyone as he spoke about the evolution of Human Resources. Then, Mr. James Estrada ,who has over 4 Decades of HRM Leadership Experience /Labor Relations Expert, heated it more with a discussion on Labor and Employee Relations. This was then it was succeeded by Mr. Danny Pancho (Former Director – People Management Association of the Philippines) who gave great ideas about rewards management. Before we went on Lunch, we also revisited our knowledge about HR Core Values from Ms. Elvie Garcia (Managing Partner – OpisHR Consultancy) where she has widened our horizon about how HR professionals must see themselves and their own values in their line of work as practitioners.

In the afternoon, we started by hearing about Corporate Social Responsibility from from Mr. Jay Jaboneta (Strategic Advisor at Institute for Solidarity in Asia/ Fire Starter and Chief Storyteller at Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation. Then, Ms. Susan Ople (Former Undersecretary DOLE/ Founder – Blas Ople Policy Center (BOPC)) gave a very informative talk about the current issues, trends, and challenges inthe Philippine’s labor condition. After that, Ms. Michelle Cordero-Garcia  provided an insightful talk about retaining employees and hiring new talents. Ms. Cordero-Garcia was recognized by CHRO Asia, a high-level global professional body for Human Resource Leaders, as one of the Top 100 Most Talented HR Leaders. After that, we learned more about Training Management when Mr. Edwin Ebreo (President of ExeQserve Corporation) shared his experiences to us. Lastly, we were energized by a very humorous and reflective talk about Promoting Work-Life Balance from Ms. Daphne Granfil (CEO of DBG Training Management and Public Relations Consultancy).

Aside from the knowledge-enriching experience, the event was also spiced up by games and prizes from the sponsors, including a raffle in which the major prizes were a hotel accommodation in Boracay and another one in Baguio. The summit was attended by 226 delegates from different companies all over the country, which includes delegates from the provincial regions. It was truly a memorable and worth-while learning experience. Congratulations and more power to the Philippines HR Group in advocating such a wonderful event. This truly shows your passion and commitment in upholding your mission to the HR Community!


Win Win Negotiation Skills In Purchasing: Negotiate, Not Bargain!



Most purchasing professionals think they are negotiating when in fact they are only bargaining. Is there a difference? Obviously! This is because bargaining is only one part of negotiating. The end result is most purchasing professionals get a poorer deal than they deserve.

Make no mistake about it; suppliers are going to negotiate even harder than ever before in the current difficult market conditions. The inability to negotiate properly is going to be very expensive to the company.



The overall objective of this two-day session is to impart the essential negotiation competencies to secure businesses on improved terms and conditions. It will also ensure that purchasing professionals are not “taken for a ride” by their customers.


This course/training is designed for those responsible for planning, analysis, control, and direction of the purchasing department. Representative titles include vice president or director of purchasing or director of logistics, buyers, branch managers, account managers and seasoned regional logistics managers and account executives, sales representatives. This session is equally applicable for those managing sales processes for services/products.


The business case to negotiate

Comparing negotiation with other resolution methods

Common pitfalls that purchasing professionals fall into and how to avoid them

The use of power in negotiation

When NOT to negotiate

Understanding own negotiation tendencies

Strategies to improve and move away from our tendencies

The phases of negotiation

The 3 Ps

Principles that good negotiators use

Knowing where your company stand in the supplier’s eyes and implication on negotiation strategy


Please fill the information below should you wish to register to any of our public training schedules.
Public Training Application Form
* indicates required field


Thermographic Surveying with Hands-On (Thermal Imaging)

Click here to REGISTER

Infrared Thermography is one of the most valuable tools available for inspecting electrical systems. Too often, however, the use of the technology falls short of its potential full value. Why? A primary reason is our failure to understand the basic heat transfer science involved and, thus, misinterpret the thermal signature of a component possibly headed toward heat-related failure.
This course will present case studies that present real problems that the thermographer will experience in the field. This course objective is to give a proper training to engineers engage in this field, giving them a good understanding of radiation laws and parameters to take into consideration when carrying thermographic inspections and measurement. Participants learn to avoid costly mistakes.
    1. New Thermographer Surveyors.
    2. Those intending to buy or use Infrared Thermography.
    3. Service Providers providing Infrared Thermography services; and
    4. Maintenance Engineers who are interested to learn Infrared Thermography as an advance tool in maintaining their own facility/assets.

      1. Infrared Safety.
            a. Blast Hazard.
            b. PPE.
      2. History of Infrared Thermography.
            a. Electromagnetic Spectrum.
      3. Uses and Applications of Infrared Thermography
      4. Thermal Instrumentation Overview.
            a. Contact Sensor.
            b. Non-Contact Sensor.
            c. How does Infrared Camera work?
      5. Basic Thermal Science
            a. Definition of Heat.
            b. Temperature vs. Heat.
            c. Temperature Defined.
            d. Units for Measuring Temperature.
            e. Absolute Temperature Scales.
            f. Relative Temperature Scales.
      6. Basic Heat Transfer
            a. Direction of Heat Flow
            b. Conduction
            c. Convection
            d. Evaporation / Condensation
            e. Radiation
                  i. Black Body
                  ii. Real Targets
      7. The Infrared Camera Measurement Functions
            a. Level
            b. Span
            c. Isotherm
            d. Spot Meter
            e. Area Function
            f. Image Capture

      8. Thermal Image Interpretations & Shooting Techniques
            a. High Emissivity
            b. Low Emissivity
            c. Thermal Gradient
            d. Thermal Analysis
            e. Thermal Tuning
            f. Palettes
            g. Reflection Recognition
            h. Avoiding Spot Reflection

      9. Reporting and Documentation.
            a. Methodology.
            b. Qualitative Analysis
            c. Quantitative Analysis
            d. Elements of Good report.

      10. Summary: Difficulties of Inspecting Electrical components.
            a. Low Emissivity/High Reflectivity.
            b. Load.
            c. Convective Cooling.
            d. Thermal Gradient.
            e. Ambient Air Temperature.



Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Time and Stress Management Workshop

Click here to REGISTER

When stressed, an individual’s performance drops. His productivity lowers. His health suffers. When employees are stressed, it may result to poor business performance. With our Time and Stess Management Module, you can help employees increase their stress thresholds as they learn to understand stress and why it can affect them.

One of the major sources stress would be deadlines and ineffective management of time. Because of this, the module covers topics in managing time effectively. This way, you can minimize your stress in managing deadlines and you can lead your way to a productive work day every time.
Module 1: Understanding Stress
   A. Statement of Course Objectives
   B. What is Stress?
   C. Facts About Stress (The interesting Ones)
   D. What are the Types of Stress? Eustress Vs Distress
Module 2: Your Stress – Doing Something About It
   A. Stress Self Check (Activity)
      1. Our Daily Stressors (Discussion of Some Day-to-Day Stress Sources)
      2. Burn Out VS Rust Out – Reactions to Stress (Activity)
   B. Adapting to Stress (Coping Styles)
   C. Activity: Creating A Stress Management Plan
   D. Lifestyle Changes
      1. Laughter
      2. Accessing Social Support
      3. Deep Breathing, Meditation, Visualization, and Yoga
      4. Exercise
      5. Sleep
      6. Balanced Diet
Module 3: Time Management
   A. Statement of Course Objectives
   B. What is time Management?
   C. Why do we need to manage time?
Module 4: Taking Action
   A. Biorhythms
   B. Procrastination
   C. Prioritization
   D. Effective Activity Planning
   E. Workspace Management
   F. Managing Daily Interruptions
   G. Delegation
   H. Debrief and Final Activities


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Transformer Insulating Oil Analysis


Course Duration: 8 Hours

This 8-hour practical course provides you with methods and procedures used internationally. This course will be discussing on predictive, periodic or condition based maintenance methodologies in oil filled power transformer maintenance. This will focus mainly on analyzing transformer insulating oils and what corrective actions can be done within the data given by the laboratory.


  • Have basic knowledge about transformer insulating oils.
  • Know different characteristics of transformer insulating oils.
  • Have knowledge on what tests to conduct in insulating oils.
  • Know proper sampling techniques in transformer tanks.
  • Interpret laboratory data and correct present abnormalities in the system.
  • Knowledge in present technologies in transformer and transformer oil maintenance.

Who Should Attend: 

This course will enhance the understanding and increase competencies for:

  • Engineers & technicians in the utility, transmission, and generation sectors that operate and maintain oil filled power transformer in substations.
  • Engineers and electricians in commercial and industrial field that maintains oil filled power transformers.
  • Electrical engineering graduates who would like to be test and applications engineers and Technicians for substation.

Topics to Be Discussed:

  1. Introduction to Insulating Oils and Power Transformer
  2. Characteristics of Insulating Oils
  3. Maintenance on Oil Filled Power Transformer and Oil Itself
  4. Mineral Insulating Oils Tests (ASTM, IEC and IEEE C57.104 Guidelines)
  5. Moisture in oil
  6. Sampling Techniques and Procedures
  7. Interpretation of Data (DGA and OQT)
    1. Most commonly used Techniques
    2. IEEE Guidelines C57.104
    3. Gas Ratios
    4. Duval’s Triangle
    5. Corrective actions
    6. New Tests and Technologies in the Industry
      1. Online and Offline Tests
      2. Dielectric Response Analysis
  8. Case Studies

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