Technical Writing

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Course Outline:

Technical Writing is a very important skill in any kind of work. It is important in Engineering, Sciences, and even in understanding simple tools. Most people confuse business writing for technical writing. In this module, we will understand Technical Writing and learn how it is different compared to other genres of writing. We will also learn about the effective ways that we can create a technical write up in order to ensure a wider audience coverage and clarity. The module covers topics about common errors made by Filipino technical writers. It also discusses how we can minimize Filipinisms in writing so that we can create a comprehensive report that is world-class.


At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the different types of writing genre and how technical writing stands out.
  2. Know how to start-up your technical write up.
  3. Learn to construct clear and understandable sentences in your write up.
  4. Learn how to self-edit your technical report.
  5. Discuss the common formats and forms of technical writing.


I – Understanding Technical Writing

  1. What is Technical Writing
  2. How is it different (Creative Writing, News Writing, and Business Writing)
  3. Overview: Tasks of Technical Writing
  4. Considerations in Technical Writing (Translation, Standards, Accessibility)
  5. Tools in Technical Writing

II – Writing Basics Review

  1. Planning and Analysis
  2. Outlining
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Collating Data
  5. Audience Analysis: Types, Importance, and Effective Approaches
  6. Journalism Approach: The Inverted Pyramid
  7. Common Filipino Errors in Writing
  8. Prepositions
  9. Subject Verb Agreement
  10. Filipinisms
  11. Punctuations
  12. Writing Your Material (Tips)
  13. Write in the Past Tense
  14. Using Simple Sentences
  15. KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
  16. The Active Voice and the Passive Voice
  17. Do’s and Don’ts

Constructing Clear Sentences

  1. Review: Parts of a sentence
  2. Constructing Sentences (Structure and practice)
  3. Parenthetic Phrases
  4. Refining and Editing Your Write Up

IV – Sneak Preview: Standard Parts of a Technical Report

  1. Title Page
  2. Letter of Transmittal
  3. Preface
  4. Table of Contents
  5. List of Tables, Drawing, Charts, etc.
  6. Summary
  7. Body Text
  8. Conclusions and Recommendations
  9. Bibliography

V – Other Technical Reports

  1. Incident Report
  2. Technical Manual
  3. Handbooks


You may click the link to download the Registration Form and send it to or you may follow the instructions below.

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration. For Free Events, you will not be receiving any Statement of Account.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment, if applicable.
5. For paid events, you may send the signed and scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip, if applicable.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice for paid sessions, please call us at (02) 7508-3271.

COMPETAD Launches Communications for HR Workshop

23 March 2019, COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services has conducted its very first-Quarterly HR Learning Session this 2019 at the 2nd Floor Marsk Building in Aurora Boulevard. The workshop was entitled, “Communications for HR” which was attended by thirty HR participants from different industries. The session was facilitated by our very own, Mr. Philip Nucleus Sia I, a Certified Human Resource Professional by the International Federation of Professional Managers (IFPM).

Communications for HR Event

Topics during the half-day session included a quick review on the Common Grammar errors for the HR professionals make, Email Usage for HR, Body Language, and Vocal Communications. It was a fun-filled session that was jam-packed with learning. The session was very interactive with activities geared toward engaging the participants while illustrating the learning points being shared. One of the highlights of the session was a quick demonstration and exercise for vocal communications. The participants were able to practice proper breathing exercises to help them project a fuller, more audible voice tone that they can use when public speaking. The audience also had their share of pronunciation exercises to help them sound more natural and neutral when speaking in English. Another highlight is the sharing of the concept of postural feedback, where the participants were made aware that their actions not only affect others but it also has an impact to their own body chemistry, hormonal constitution, mood, and confidence. The crowd was very engaged as they did power poses to help boost confidence and focus.

The 1st Quarterly Learning Session was an overall success. The participants enjoyed learning during the session, with a few of them even saying that there was no dull moment during the workshop.

More About Our Quarterly Learning Sessions.

COMPETAD’s Quarterly learning sessions are tailored to the needs of HR professionals, focusing on things that HRs should know but often times overlook. The sessions are great as they are interesting, tailored to the HR profession, and very friendly to the budget-conscious learner. The sessions are only Php 799 per participant, which is also offered at Php 599 to those who take advantage of the early-bird rates. COMPETAD developed these programs in order to provide the community with an alternative way for continuous professional development for those who are new and a bit more experienced in the profession.

COMPETAD Secretariat for the Quarterly Learning Sessions, Mr. Michael Natividad, mentioned that he still feels that there is a lot of room for improvement in reaching out within the HR Community so the organization is still bringing forth more topics in the coming months. He said that with a more aggressive awareness-building effort for these value-conscious programs must be in place so they could appeal to a larger community and make the learning available to anyone, even the start-up professionals.

This year, there are four topics identified for our Quarterly sessions, which we felt are good start-off points for HR development. Communications for HR has already been completed but we still have three topics to offer: Etiquette for HR, Labor Relations Basics, and HR Professional Image. We shall release more information to you as we move forward in the coming months regarding these programs.


Communications for Employee Empowerment (Positively Influencing)

Click Here to REGISTER


A manager’s task is very demanding as it requires a very wide array of skill sets and competencies. You need to have superb attention to details, an analytical way of thinking, excellent customer service, efficient time management, an ability to influence people, and many more. One of the most important aspects of being a manager is understanding how your employees carry out tasks and what attitudes they have toward the job. While none of these are within a manager’s direct control, it is definitely one of the things they must influence. As a manager, it is important to realize and accept that you have a significant responsibility in influencing your employees. To do this, we need to learn proper coaching.
Most managers, regardless of the industry they work in, believe that coaching is only about telling their employees what to do. This sometimes results to failure. This guide to coaching allows managers to see beyond that common notion and understand the full scope of what constitutes effective coaching. The module shall equip both supervisors and managers with the know-how to effectively coach their employees.

This module aims to helps managers (1) improve employee performance by effectively and positively communicating to their employees (2) minimize the need for “employee baby-sitting” by influencing employees and stomping out their learned helplessness (3) potentially minimize attrition by effectively managing employee morale and empowerment (4)build a positive working environment by knowing when to use positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.


In this module, supervisors and managers will learn:
• Managing one’s self and attitude for better coaching results
• How employees think and view work
• The Power of positive communication
• What coaching is and how it is done effectively
• When to use coaching VS reprimand


• Interactive Discussions
• Activities and Exercises
• Real-life scenarios
• Practice Sessions
• Multimedia


• Any Managers, Supervisors, and aspiring managers.


I – Understanding the concept of Coaching
A. Prerequisites of Coaching

II – Managing Self and Values Formation
A. Identifying Your Sphere of Control (Survival Activity)
B. Guiding Your Employees Through the Sphere of Control

III – Understanding Our Employees
A. What Motivates our Staff
B. 4 Different Communication Styles
C. Cycle of Learning

IV – Customer Service: A Manager’s Way of Thinking
A. Dimensions of Customer Service (and applying this to coaching)
B. Do’s and Don’ts – What to Say and What Not To Say (when talking to our staff)
C. Articulating Positive Intentions (to Motivate Staff Members)
D. Using Positive Communication11

V – Influencing and Empowering Your Staff
A. The Pygmallion Effect
B. Instant Coaching VS Reprimanding – Which one is appropriate? (3 Factors Affecting Performance)
C. Instant Coaching – Quick Steps/Activity

VI – Final Activity and Debrief



Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
5. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342.

Communications for HR



As an HR practitioner, a great deal of our responsibility depends on our ability to communicate. We communicate through writing; we send email, memo, and even create our company code-of-conduct. In the process, we also speak to different individuals. If you are in a multinational company, you may also need to speak with executives from other parts of the globe. Up to 70% of our communication process will likely be in English. The way we use English, spoken or written, affects the way others perceive us. Perception is importance as this is a rudiment for good credibility. For this reason, it is important that we know how to communicate professionally in all levels.
In our four-hour program, Communications for HR, we will talk about some areas of communication often overlooked such as how we communicate in English, how we write our email and business correspondents, and how we can effectively use our verbal communication to influence other employees.
I – Reviewing our English
      A. How Our English Came To Be
      B. The Challenges of English
      A. Filipinism
      B. Subject-Verb Agreement
      C. Prepositions
      D. Tenses
II – Email
      A. A Reintroduction (Parts of the Email)
      B. Netiquette – Email Customs, Convention, and Etiquette
      C. Out of the Office Messages
III – Your Body Language
      A. Do’s and Don’ts
      B. Reading Non-verbal Queues During Employment Interviews
      C. Power Poses
IV – Vocal & Verbal Communication
      A. Volume, Pitch, Pace, and Pronunciation
      B. Positive Phrasing Tips
V – Listening Skills
      A. Non-Verbal Nods
      B. Paraphrasing
      C. Seek First to Understand



Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking here.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your learning investment deposit.
5. Send the scanned copy of the signed Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02)34333342.