Technical Writing

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Course Outline:

Technical Writing is a very important skill in any kind of work. It is important in Engineering, Sciences, and even in understanding simple tools. Most people confuse business writing for technical writing. In this module, we will understand Technical Writing and learn how it is different compared to other genres of writing. We will also learn about the effective ways that we can create a technical write up in order to ensure a wider audience coverage and clarity. The module covers topics about common errors made by Filipino technical writers. It also discusses how we can minimize Filipinisms in writing so that we can create a comprehensive report that is world-class.


At the end of the session, the participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the different types of writing genre and how technical writing stands out.
  2. Know how to start-up your technical write up.
  3. Learn to construct clear and understandable sentences in your write up.
  4. Learn how to self-edit your technical report.
  5. Discuss the common formats and forms of technical writing.


I – Understanding Technical Writing

  1. What is Technical Writing
  2. How is it different (Creative Writing, News Writing, and Business Writing)
  3. Overview: Tasks of Technical Writing
  4. Considerations in Technical Writing (Translation, Standards, Accessibility)
  5. Tools in Technical Writing

II – Writing Basics Review

  1. Planning and Analysis
  2. Outlining
  3. Brainstorming
  4. Collating Data
  5. Audience Analysis: Types, Importance, and Effective Approaches
  6. Journalism Approach: The Inverted Pyramid
  7. Common Filipino Errors in Writing
  8. Prepositions
  9. Subject Verb Agreement
  10. Filipinisms
  11. Punctuations
  12. Writing Your Material (Tips)
  13. Write in the Past Tense
  14. Using Simple Sentences
  15. KISS (Keep It Short and Simple)
  16. The Active Voice and the Passive Voice
  17. Do’s and Don’ts

Constructing Clear Sentences

  1. Review: Parts of a sentence
  2. Constructing Sentences (Structure and practice)
  3. Parenthetic Phrases
  4. Refining and Editing Your Write Up

IV – Sneak Preview: Standard Parts of a Technical Report

  1. Title Page
  2. Letter of Transmittal
  3. Preface
  4. Table of Contents
  5. List of Tables, Drawing, Charts, etc.
  6. Summary
  7. Body Text
  8. Conclusions and Recommendations
  9. Bibliography

V – Other Technical Reports

  1. Incident Report
  2. Technical Manual
  3. Handbooks


You may click the link to download the Registration Form and send it to or you may follow the instructions below.

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration. For Free Events, you will not be receiving any Statement of Account.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment, if applicable.
5. For paid events, you may send the signed and scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip, if applicable.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice for paid sessions, please call us at (02) 7508-3271.

Business Communication – Creating memo, Agenda and email

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COURSE DESCRIPTION: Business writing has always been a major part of business in any type of industry. It involves the communication of information within and outside of the company with emphasis on building and maintaining positive relationships. When writing, we want to ensure that we write with brevity and diplomacy so that the receiver of the information will get the information quickly without misunderstanding. To achieve this, we need to make sure that we have a professional format and that we know how to write sentences clearly. Up to eighty percent of written communication in the workplace here in the Philippines are in English. This becomes a challenge to some of us because it is a second language. However, if we can write simply and we can still ensure that our message comes across. How can we achieve this?

In this module, we shall discuss how you can simplify your writing as well as correct some errors Filipinos commonly make when writing in English. We will talk about how to structure your sentences for maximum clarity and information retention. Then, we shall discuss some of the most common forms of business writing we encounter in the work place: Email, meeting, and agenda.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of the session, we should be able to:

* Review some principles in business writing
* Discuss how to correct two of the most common errors when using English
* Use the KISS Principle in writing.
* Identify considerations in writing email, agenda, and meeting minutes.

COURSE METHODOLOGY: This course is an instructor-lead session that shall be facilitated through zoom. The session shall be interactive. The facilitator shall solicit participation from the attendees. For optimum participation and learning experience, we suggest that participants join the session with a laptop or desktop. A mobile phone is okay, too, albeit with limited interaction options. To optimize your experience, it will be good if you have a working mic and camera installed or built-in to your device.

COURSE TOPICS: Below are the main topic we shall cover:

* English as a Language in the Philippines
* Common Errors in English Filipinos Make and how to correct these
* The KISS Principle
* Email Communications – Its Parts and Rules of Etiquette
* Effectively Creating Your Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes

You may click the link to download the Registration Form and send it to or you may follow the instructions below.

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration. For Free Events, you will not be receiving any Statement of Account.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment, if applicable.
5. For paid events, you may send the signed and scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip, if applicable.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice for paid sessions, please call us at (02) 7508-3271.

Five Important Life-Lessons for Leaders

Leadership is a skill that we can learn throughout our lifetime; it never stops. In the same way that other professions require some form of continuous learning, being a professional leader also means that we have to keep an open-mind and a thirst for learning. No one can claim that they already know everything there is to know about it. As people change and as new generations get introduced to the workforce, getting a new perspective in leadership is always a good idea.

For business leaders, the task of leadership becomes extra challenging because of the need to juggle your ability to manage people and company resources. You need a mix of creative leadership as well as adherence to processes and procedures. You also need to be aware of the business, legal, and psychological impacts of your actions.

In this article, we have collated five items that are important lessons for leaders so you may reflect on how you can improve in these different areas regardless of your tenure and experience.

Saved Pictures

Inspire Teamwork. Effective leaders are not those who always speak in terms “me.”  This is not because he avoids using the first-person pronoun when he speaks. Inspiring team work is about influencing people to think in terms of “we” – the team. It is about making the team understand the function that everyone needs to fulfill. When a leader inspires team work, the members do not dodge accountability. They feel answerable to their actions and lack thereof. To achieve this, a leader must be able to give credits to the members for their accomplishments. Leaders who are credit grabbers will never be able to inspire teams. Instead they will breed distrust and resentment among their members.

Build Self-Esteem. As a leader, you set the intensity for your employees’ attitude at work. Employees usually build a positive work attitude when they are happy with what they do. This happiness can be closely associated with their self-esteem. In business, your clients, previous and current employees, competitors, family, and even friends may give you dozens of criticisms. This goes the same to each of your employees. More often than not, criticisms are very stressful to hear. Sam Walton, the founder of Wal Mart says that employees need to have a good self-esteem in order to be effective at work. Constantly criticizing and pointing out their flaws and short-comings is a guaranteed way to lower their morale and performance. Even Richard Branson, owner of Virgin Group of Companies, says that leaders should always “look for the best in people”. This is easier said than done. While it is helpful to provide feedback to employees, make sure that you do not exclusively about short-comings. Little achievements need to be celebrated, too. When you do this, you reciprocate your employees’ trust. When you give trust to your employees, you teach them to have trust in their own abilities, too. This builds their self-esteem and inculcates a sense of “i-can-make-a-difference” in them, allowing them to become more driven and results-oriented.  

Encourage Other’s Development. Leaders should aim for their employees’ success. They should encourage them to be the best they can be. True leaders help their direct reports get promoted. Looking out for people’s best interest and growth helps you build a more positive relationship with them. The moment that a leader feels scared that their employees can get better than them is the moment they fail as a leader. True leaders don’t create more followers; they create more leaders. This is because true leaders are hard to find. The more leaders you have in your company, the better equipped your company will be for growth. The more growth your company has, the better opportunities you create for yourself and your employees, too. Employees are like seedlings; it is the leader’s job to nurture them, water them, cultivate them, and watch them grow. As a leader, you need to mentor people: coach them, help them make decisions, allow them to learn from mistakes, guide them to reflect on their actions, and help them celebrate their little successes.

Learn to Effectively Communicate. Needless to say, none of the things a leader must do can be accomplished without communication. Getting people onboard and aligning them to the goals are essential in accomplishing anything. As you go through the journey, you also need to ensure that everyone is in the loop with what is going on. Understanding and discussing your milestones and challenges as a group is truly very crucial. Making everyone understand the big picture also greatly impacts the results of any given task. As a leader, you should allow an avenue for open-communication, sharing of suggestions, and brainstorming. Efficient means of communication using different technologies is a vital part of this process. Sometimes, leaders do not even step out of their comfort zone to adjust to the new workforce. The Millenials and Generation Z workers, a huge part of our workforce now, are fond of technology. As leaders, we should be able to make use of this available means of communications. Using a mode of communication that people understand, people can relate to, and people are passionate about is truly very effective.

Listen. Many leaders claim that they listen, however, they truly don’t. They only listen to respond rather than to understand. As Stephen Covey shared in his book, “Seek first to understand then be understood…” This is a very powerful way of getting the best out of people. Great ideas can come from the most unlikely employees. In order to tap into these, a leader must learn to genuinely listen. If a leader fails to listen, then you will be surrounded by people who have nothing to say. Many experienced leaders feel that there is not much to hear as they think that they have already heard everything. But one thing is sure; there is always room for learning when you listen. Listening builds a good relationship with your employees; it helps them feel empowered and it helps you as the leader become more influential to them.

These five may not be exhaustive of all the important life lessons a leader must learn, but we feel that these are most important. If you are able to learn these lessons, it can truly take you a long way into your leadership journey.


For more information about enriching your leadership stay tuned for more of our articles. You may also attend one of our training or workshop. Please check our calendar for more information. You can also contact us directly. 


Understanding Adult Learning

When it comes to seminars and workshop, people often ask what adult learning is. Seldom do people realize that the way we learn as children and adolescents is very different from how we do as adults. This is because as adults, we are usually able to make our own decisions independently and we can be responsible to our own success. We use the information we have in order to make these decisions and choices.

Adult Learning

In 1985, Malcom Knowles who pioneered in adult learning has observed that adults learn better given certain conditions. He also made assumptions that learning in adults is based on 5 assumptions. First, he mentioned that as an adult matures, he moves from a dependent personality to being a self-directed human being. Second, the person’s experience becomes a very healthy source of valuable information that grows over time. Third, the adult learner becomes more oriented toward developing and learning things that are relevant to their role in the society. Fourth, the adult learner wants to immediately apply what they learned rather than delay its application. Fifth, that the person’s interest and motivation toward learning is innate.  

Let us attempt to understand these conditions so that we can see how we can create better training programs for our adult learners.  

Adults need to understand the importance of learning the information. Adults tend to retain information which they see as valuable to the things they do on a daily basis. During learning events, it is important to discuss how the new information can be used in practically at work. By discussing these, it motivates the adult learner to remember the information that is shared. It also helps them make an active decision to learn.

Adults need to learn using a method that is appropriate to them. There are different types of learners and you need to create a program that can touch base with most of these learners. Most learners are either Kinesthetic, Visual, or auditory. But there are many other learning styles for adults.

Experiential learning is always more powerful. Experiential learning is when adults apply what they have learned. You will notice that workshops allow adults to have an opportunity to test out what they learned through exercises. Sometimes, it even requires role-playing activities to experience the learning firsthand. The application is usually immediate so that the adult learner is able to retain the lessons longer and more effectively.

Timely learning. You need to allow the participants to learn something that is appropriate to their needs. Timing is important. When you schedule the learning session, put it at a time that they are thinking actively. If you have a choice between morning and evening after work hours, the former may be the better option as they are not yet tired. This gives more readiness for them to learn. Lessons related to recent life events also prove to be learned faster.

Positive Encouragements. It is very important for adults to feel encouraged to do the task. Boosting their confidence always works better than shaming them in class. You need to make adults realize that they have the power to apply change because most of them rely on habits. Validating that they have done the task successfully based on standards help them feel ease in getting out of their comfort zone and trying new things. 

Adult learners are never to be treated like the younger students. They should be given some level of autonomy. To see the contrast, we should realize that teacher-centred learning is never applicable. Adult learners cannot just be quiet listeners who will do what they are told; they have to be involved, encouraged, and motivated so that they can comprehend and retain information long-term.   


Performance Coaching: How to Impact Your Employee’s Results

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A manager’s task is very demanding as it requires a very wide array of skill sets and competencies. You need to have superb attention to details, an analytical way of thinking, excellent customer service, efficient time management, an ability to influence people, and many more. One of the most important aspects of being a manager is understanding how your employees carry out tasks and what attitudes they have toward the job. While none of these are within a manager’s direct control, it is definitely one of the things they must influence. As a manager, it is important to realize and accept that you have a significant responsibility in influencing your employees. To do this, we need to learn proper coaching.
Most managers, regardless of the industry they work in, believe that coaching is only about telling their employees what to do. This sometimes results to failure. This guide to coaching allows managers to see beyond that common notion and understand the full scope of what constitutes effective coaching. The module shall equip both supervisors and managers with the know-how to effectively coach their employees.

This module aims to helps managers (1) improve employee performance by effectively and positively communicating to their employees (2) minimize the need for “employee baby-sitting” by influencing employees and stomping out their learned helplessness (3) potentially minimize attrition by effectively managing employee morale and empowerment (4)build a positive working environment by knowing when to use positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.


In this module, supervisors and managers will learn:
• Managing one’s self and attitude for better coaching results
• How employees think and view work
• The Power of positive communication
• What coaching is and how it is done effectively
• When to use coaching VS reprimand


• Interactive Discussions
• Activities and Exercises
• Real-life scenarios
• Practice Sessions
• Multimedia


• Any Managers, Supervisors, and aspiring managers.


I – Understanding the concept of Coaching
A. Prerequisites of Coaching

II – Managing Self and Values Formation
A. Identifying Your Sphere of Control (Survival Activity)
B. Guiding Your Employees Through the Sphere of Control

III – Understanding Our Employees
A. What Motivates our Staff
B. 4 Different Communication Styles
C. Cycle of Learning

IV – Customer Service: A Manager’s Way of Thinking
A. Dimensions of Customer Service (and applying this to coaching)
B. Do’s and Don’ts – What to Say and What Not To Say (when talking to our staff)
C. Articulating Positive Intentions (to Motivate Staff Members)
D. Using Positive Communication11

V – Influencing and Empowering Your Staff
A. The Pygmallion Effect
B. Instant Coaching VS Reprimanding – Which one is appropriate? (3 Factors Affecting Performance)
C. Instant Coaching – Quick Steps/Activity
D. Communicating Our Staff Member’s Opportunities (Correcting Undesired Behaviors Properly)

VI – Final Activity and Debrief


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Enhancing Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

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Public Communication is very important in many fields of work. Whether you are a manager, a supervisor, or rank and file worker, there are times that you will be attending meetings and public gatherings that would require you to speak in front of a crowd. A lot of people find public speaking very overwhelming because they feel unprepared and overly conscious about it. To minimize this, the module offers a simple and easy-to-follow guide in preparing for a public speech, or an impromptu public talk.

This course focuses on breaking down the process of Public Speaking into simple and practical steps so that you can avoid unnecessary anxiety and stage fright. It also talks about tips in enhancing the delivery of your message so that you can keep an engaged audience. There is also an overview on creating visual presentations and preparing your message so that you can ensure that you will achieve the purpose of your presentation. There will be an impromptu speech exercise at the end of the session to practice the skills required for delivering a message confidently.

   • Interactive Discussions
   • Minimal Lectures
   • Multi-media presentations (Optional)
   • Participant-Focused Activities

   • Anyone who would like to learn about approaches in Public Speaking
   • Those who would like to overcome their stage fright.
   • Managers, supervisors, and rank-and-file who would like to enhance their Public speaking and presentation skills.


  I – Public Communication
      A. What Is Public Communication?
      B. What makes public communication challenging?
      C. Preparation: The basic Ingredient for Confidence

  II – Preparing Your Presentation
      A. Identifying the Purpose of your Presentation
      B. Parts of a Presentation
      C. Gathering Information and Resources
      D. Considering Your Audience
      E. Using Humor (Etiquette and Best Practices)
      F. Creating a Visual Presentation
      G. Etiquette Using Other People’s Ideas
      H. Impromptu Speech (Simple Thought Patterns)

  III – Delivery
      A. Understanding Confidence (and Overconfidence)
      B. Elements of Voice (Vocal Warm ups)
      C. Managing Non-verbal Cues on Stage
      D. Practical Tips in Conquering Stage Freight

IV – Public Speaking Exercises/Impromptu speech



Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Power Systems Protection: Protective Relaying Seminar

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A very important part of any electric power system is Protective Relaying. While usual operations may not require its analysis, troubleshooting any unusual changes, faults, and disturbances makes a good understanding of it a necessity. Protective relaying requires specialization and knowledge of all aspects of electrical power generation from production, to distribution, and consumption.
The training offers a strong foundation knowledge about applications and advances in protective relaying that is very useful in planning, operating, and managing electric power systems.

This course will enhance the understanding and increase competencies for:
     • Design Engineers
     • Project and/or Construction Engineer
     • Utility and/or Maintenance Engineer
     • PEE, REE or graduate of Electrical Engineering

     A. Power System Protection
          • Review on Fault Calculations
          • Feeder Protection
          • Time Overcurrent
          • Instantaneous Overcurrent
          • Directional Overcurrent
          • Example Calculations
     B. Power System Protection 2
          • Differential Protection
          • Transformer Differential
          • Generator Differential
          • Bus Differential
     C. Power System Protection 3
          • Line Protection
     D. Power System Protection 4
          • System Grounding
          • Generator Protection
     E. General
          • Protection requirements
          • Protection zones
          • Primary and backup protection
          • Fault Discrimination
          • Protective Relay Performance
          • Information Application
          • Per unit Calculation Review


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Microsoft Excel for the Basic and Intermediate Users

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Microsoft Excel is a very indispensable tool in any office. It is an excellent tool for entering, managing, calculating, and analyzing office data. Through Microsoft Excel, you can identify trends in the office and provide appropriate and practical solutions to any gaps and issues. Because of this, Excel skills are truly a must in almost every individual. Because Excel is a massive application with thousands of features available, employees can sometimes be overwhelmed and confused by its uses.
In this Module, we will attempt to provide you with basic to intermediate level usage of the Microsoft Excel software. We will provide you with information about its parts, programming, and practical functions so that you can use it like a pro.

By the end of the course you should be able to:
1. Identify the different areas in the screen for Microsoft Excel.
2. Learn and practice entering and formatting data, numbers, and tables.
3. Navigate and effectively use practical formulas used in Excel
4. Use conditional Formatting in MS Excel
5. Create Simple but presentable reports using MS Excel

Any professional who may be using Excel for their chosen career or those who deal with data and reporting in their field of work.

Discussion, Hands-On Exercises, Multi-media (Optional)

Participants should bring their own laptop with MS Excel installed for practice and exercises.


I – Getting Started – Review and Introduction
   A. Pre-test
   B. Areas in the Excel Sheet Window
        1. Quick Access Tool Bar
        2. Ribbon
        3. Formula Bar
        4. Spread sheet Grid
        5. Status Bar
   C. Understanding Basic Terminologies in Excel

II – Entering and Formatting Data
   A. Typing Data in MS Excel
   B. Tips in Formatting Your Excel Reports
   C. Understanding Excel Tables
   D. Conditional Formatting

III – Introduction to Formulas
   A. Understanding What a Formula Is
   B. 10 Most Commonly Used Formula
   C. Formula Exercises and Situationals

IV – Creating Reports in Excel
   A. Using Pivot Tables
   B. Introduction to Charts
   C. Report Creation Exercises

V – Post Test Activity


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Project Management

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This 1-day project management course will help you organize, implement and manage your organization’s projects in a superior and efficient manner. After taking this workshop, you can be assured that your project will be clearly communicated, acted on and achieve superior results.

The Fundamentals of Project Management course is designed for companies seeking to implement effective, profitable and practical skills so you can confidentially face and conquer even the toughest challenges. This workshop provides a common language between individuals at the implementation level – marketing, sales, project management, engineering, manufacturing or construction, test and assembly, shipping, installation as well as executive leadership. It will ensure all members of the team are on the same page.


     * Provides a common thinking methodology and language for project management at all levels of the organization
     * Provides clearly defined project outcomes
     * Assures a strong customer focus
     * Gets the right people working together
     * Helps make sound project decisions
     * Assures plans and schedules are realistic and represent commitments
     * Assures the “hand-offs” are effectively managed
     * Makes skill usage, progress and results measurable
     * Identifies project risks and takes action to avoid or mitigate them
     * Assures that key data is clearly communicated and acted on
     * Identifies and prevents performance problems


Project Management: Concepts & Philosophies

   What is a Project?
   Projects vs. Operations
   Progressive Elaboration
   What is Project Management?
   PM Hierarchy: Portfolio, Programs & Projects

Project Dimensions & Triple Constraints
  The module on Project Dimensions & Triple Constraints will give an understanding on the critical areas of knowledge that a Project Manager must be proficient in. The dynamics among Cost, Scope and Time will be discussed together with three other success criteria of a project.

   The PM Area of Expertise
   The Trade-off Among the Triple Constraints
   Criteria for Project Success

Project Roles & Responsibilities
  In most cases, the Project Manager is not directly involved in the intricate details of the work. However, the assigned PM must employ a wide range of skills to achieve the project objective/s. In this module, the discussion will focus on the different roles played in a project.

   The Role of the Project Manager
   The Role of the Project Sponsor
   The Project Team Members
   The Customers & Users
   The Project Management Office
   The Project Stakeholders

The Five Phases of Project Management as per Project Management Institute (PMI)


     1. Initiating Phase
     2. Initiating Tasks
     3. Need for a Project Objective Statement (POS)
     4. Defining the POS
     5. SMART POS
        – State the POS
        – Define Project Scope and Deliverables
        – Prioritize Project Constraints
     6.Planning Phase
        – Planning Project Resources
        – “Core Team”
        – Which People to Use
        – Matching Skills to Tasks
        – Project Organization
     7. Project Schedule
        – Building the Project Schedule
        – Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
        – Project Plan
        – Components of the Work Plan
        – Schedule Risks
        – 3 Methods for Charting Project Schedule
     8. Planning the Budget
     9. Laws of Project Success
     10. Analysis of Project Stakeholders
        – “You”
        – Conflict Among Key Stakeholders
        – Types of Power in Organizations
        – Power and You
        – Developing Stakeholder Strategy
        – Stakeholder Strategy
     11. Executing Phase
        – Hold Regular Review Meetings
     12. Controlling Phase
        – Controlling Tasks
        – Change Management Process
        – Risk Management to include Safety
        – Risk Identification
        – Risk Quantification
        – Risk Management Measures
     13. Closing Phase
        – Problems at the End of the Project
        – Closing Tasks


















DELIVERABLES: At the program’s conclusion, the participants will have an understanding and acquire the ability to successfully manage projects: using a to-do list, prioritizing the items on it and working better with others.

Anyone who is involved in deciding business strategies and activities, managing projects, or is otherwise responsible for delivering results within an organization, (e.g. CEO, CFO, manager, supervisors, etc).

This workshop is fast-paced, highly interactive, participatory, and productive. It includes discussions, games, demonstration and practice, lecturettes, storytelling, role plays, and problem solving. Participants will be working individually, in small and large groups.


As the trainer comes with more than thirty years of real-life corporate experience, the methodology will involve the following:

     * Individual Assessments
     * Use of participant manual/worksheets
     * Use of a combination of presentation and group activities
     * Story telling of real-life situations
     * Interactive group discussions
     * Challenging the thinking of participants
     * Providing input to participants’ real-life situations

Case Studies- Several short case studies will be pre-circulated for participants to read and undertake some directed initial analysis. These will be used to illustrate data analysis techniques and as a basis for group discussions.


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Enhancing Your Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

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Public Speaking

Public Communication is very important in many fieldS of work. Whether you are a manager, a supervisor, or rank and file worker, there are times that you will be attending meetings and public gatherings that would require you to speak in front of a crowd. A lot of people find public speaking very overwhelming because they feel unprepared and overly conscious about it. To minimize this, the module offers a simple and easy-to-follow guide in preparing for a public speech, or an impromptu public talk.

This course focuses on breaking down the process of Public Speaking into simple and practical steps so that you can avoid unnecessary anxiety and stage fright. It also talks about tips in enhancing the delivery of your message so that you can keep an engaged audience. There is also an overview on creating visual presentations and preparing your message so that you can ensure that you will achieve the purpose of your presentation. There will be an impromptu speech exercise at the end of the session to practice the skills required for delivering a message confidently.

   • Interactive Discussions
   • Minimal Lectures
   • Multi-media presentations (Optional)
   • Participant-Focused Activities

   • Anyone who would like to learn about approaches in Public Speaking
   • Those who would like to overcome their stage fright.
   • Managers, supervisors, and rank-and-file who would like to enhance their Public speaking and presentation skills.


  I – Public Communication
      A. What Is Public Communication?
      B. What makes public communication challenging?
      C. Preparation: The basic Ingredient for Confidence

  II – Preparing Your Presentation
      A. Identifying the Purpose of your Presentation
      B. Parts of a Presentation
      C. Gathering Information and Resources
      D. Considering Your Audience
      E. Using Humor (Etiquette and Best Practices)
      F. Creating a Visual Presentation
      G. Etiquette Using Other People’s Ideas
      H. Impromptu Speech (Simple Thought Patterns)

  III – Delivery
      A. Understanding Confidence (and Overconfidence)
      B. Elements of Voice (Vocal Warm ups)
      C. Managing Non-verbal Cues on Stage
      D. Practical Tips in Conquering Stage Freight

IV – Public Speaking Exercises/Impromptu speech


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.