Effective Workplace Communication

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COURSE DESCRIPTION: One of the most important skills in the office is communications. Relaying ideas effectively is a key ingredient in becoming an effective professional. Most conflicts that arise in the workplace is a result of poor communications or the lack thereof. The challenge is that there are many ways to communicate your thoughts. Your delivery, choice of words, body movement, and many other factors affect the way you communicate. Because of this, it is important to know how you can make the most of the communication process by knowing its principles and considering its impacts to your workmates.

In this module, we will explore the different facets and aspects that affect workplace communications so that you can always put your best foot forward when you communicate in the office using different tools.


I. – Understanding Workplace Communications
A. Defining Workplace Communications
B. Importance of Effective Workplace Communications
C. Forms of Workplace Communications

II – Looking at One’s Self
A. Factors Affecting Communications
B. How do I Communicate (Styles)
C. Understanding Assertiveness

1. Coercive factors
2. The Beggar, the Employee, and the Royals

III – Conveying Your Message
A. Positive Communications
B. Avoiding Trigger Words
C. Pakisama: A Look at The Emotional Bank Account
D. Habit #5 (by Stephen Covey)
E. Case/Scenarios
IV – Activity Debrief and Closing


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to training@competad.com
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at 75083271 or click here for alternative numbers.