by Nuke Sia
After the first 2018 board meeting of the Philippines HR Group last 5 January 2018, the PhilHRG gathered yet a new group of volunteers to handle some of activities of the organization. With a number that has grown to almost 80,000 online members, the need for more helping hands has increased. Last 20 January 2018, the organization has called for another meeting which was attended by 20 volunteers, 9 of which were repeat volunteers and 11 new bloods. We would like to share with you some of the exciting things that happened during the event.
Founder and President Darwin Rivers started the session by walkingthe volunteers through the early beginnings of the PhilHRG Inc and the origins of its advocacy. In the meeting were three other members of the board, Mr. Michael Natividad, Ms. Jocelyn Alosbanos, and Mr. Philip Nucleus (Nuke) Sia. The group has welcomed the new volunteers by sharing with them the new activities that the Philippines HR Group would be spearheading for the country’s HR professionals this year. The new volunteers was a mix of HR managers, HR assistants, and HR supervisors. They were hyped and energized by the upcoming activities. A short introduction session got the volunteers familiar with each other. Mr. Rivers set everyone’s expectation that all volunteers of the PhilHRG are treated equally regardless of company ranks and ages. He encouraged the volunteers to live by the values of the Philippines HR Group as they represent its advocacies and take part in its activities. The volunteers were provided a time to meet amongst themselves and create committees for upcoming activities of the organization after they were told about the activities for this year.
So what is in store for 2018? A lot!
#InspireHR. There are many activities to look forward to this year. Aside from the usual advocacy to provide development and learning to all HR practitioners in the archipelago, the organization would like to bring in what we call #InspireHR. We have seen that some practitioners can perform well if they are motivated in their work. This will be the goal of #InspireHR. This will be several sessions within the year where we will invite practitioners from different industries to talk about the HR challenges, experiences, and trends that aim to excite and inspire. Contrary to the learning events where we discuss the technical and administrative aspects of HR, #InspireHR is non-technical, easy to the ears, non-brain intensive, and is aimed at building pride in our line of work. Schedules will be posted in a separate flyer at the Philippine HR Group FB page, so watch out!
PhilHRG Job Fair Event. Recruitment and pooling talents is one important aspect of the HR function. The organization has decided to provide a solid support for our community in this area. Aside from the learning sessions, we will help you gather talents from all over the country to hire for your company. The aim is to provide an avenue for our network of HR professionals to be connected to people with the appropriate skills. Not much has been shared yet about the specifics but the target date for the Job Fair is on the 19th of May 2018. For more details on how you can participate, you may send an email to or just wait for further announcement at our PhilHRG facebook page.
PhilHRG Headquarters. As the non-profit organization grew, having a place where its volunteers can regularly meet to plan out high-quality events for the community became a must. With the HR community’s support, the organization is aiming to establish a headquarters before the end of the year. This will make communications with the participants and the entire community more fluid and easier. No details yet in regard to this, but if anyone in the community have suggestions for a cost effective place for our headquarters, you may contact PhilHRG Board Members Rhonadale Florentino or Michael Natividad. You may also contact Mr. Darwin Rivers directly.
Continued High-Value but Low-Cost Learning Events. Similar to last year when the organization has established quarterly learning sessions, we will still have seminars that will be offere to the public at very very friendly prices. We have an ongoing talk to team up with one of the top universities in the Philippines to provide us with a venue for our community to hold our learning events. This is a great opportunity to continue on of the main facets or service that PhilHRG would like to give to the country’s HR.
Aside from all these exciting things to look forward to, the PhilHRG is also planning to create a website that will provide official, valuable, and timely content to keep us abreast with what is going on in the HR community. Of course there are lots more to happen and we will continue to keep you updated through our FB page.