Managing your Stress and Time e-Workshop

Click here to REGISTER

When stressed, an individual’s performance drops. His productivity lowers. His health suffers. When employees are stressed, it may result to poor business performance. With our Time and Stress Management Module, you can help employees increase their stress thresholds as they learn to understand stress and why it can affect them.

One of the major sources stress would be deadlines and ineffective management of time. Because of this, the module covers topics in managing time effectively. This way, you can minimize your stress in managing deadlines and you can lead your way to a productive work day every time.

   Module 1: Understanding Stress
        A. Statement of Course Objectives
        B. What is Stress?
        C. Facts About Stress (The interesting Ones)
        D. What are the Types of Stress? Eustress Vs Distress
   Module 2: Your Stress – Doing Something About It
        A. Stress Self Check (Activity)
           1. Our Daily Stressors (Discussion of Some Day-to-Day Stress Sources)
           2. Burn Out VS Rust Out – Reactions to Stress (Activity)
        B. Adapting to Stress (Coping Styles)
        C. Activity: Creating A Stress Management Plan
        D. Lifestyle Changes
           1. Laughter
           2. Accessing Social Support
           3. Deep Breathing, Meditation, Visualization, and Yoga
           4. Exercise
           5. Sleep
           6. Balanced Diet
   Module 3: Time Management
        A. Statement of Course Objectives
        B. What is time Management?
        C. Why do we need to manage time?
   Module 4: Taking Action
        A. Biorhythms
        B. Procrastination
        C. Prioritization
        D. Effective Activity Planning
        E. Workspace Management
        F. Managing Daily Interruptions
        G. Delegation
   H. Debrief and Final Activities


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking here.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your learning investment deposit.
5. Send the scanned copy of the signed Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02)34333342.

Managing Time and Avoiding Stress

Time Management is one of the basic skills that you need to acquire as you go through your daily work. Some tasks are routine. These may be easily handled, however we are not in a perfect world, so when mixed with some time-stealers and unplanned tasks or activities, time management can be quite daunting to accomplish. We only have a fixed 24-hour day that sometimes we feel it isn’t enough to do all the things we need to do. However you decide to spend it is up to you, but it is always a healthy idea to spend some amount of work-life balance so that you can avoid excessive and prolonged stress that may lead to depression and a wide range of other long-term physiological effects.

Managing your time starts with understanding a few important concepts: Biorhythm, Procrastination, Activity Planning, Workspace, and Delegation. Let us take a look at these important concepts and see how these affect our time management.


Biorhythm is also known as circadian rhythms. It came from the Greek term bios, which means life, and rhuthmos, which means regular recurring motion. This tells us that our body, being the creatures-of-habit that we are, functions with regularity. Some of us are more energetic at night while some are more active during the earlier part of the day. To maximize our time, it would be good to identify which parts of the day we are most active and energetic so we can put the more complex and meaningful tasks on those parts of the day.

Procrastination is another concept we need to understand in managing time. Procrastination is setting aside an activity that you can do now and deciding to do it at a later time. As a worker, we need to understand what procrastination level we are at. Like most things, awareness is the start of change. Identify if you are a procrastinator and decide to make a change.

Our workspace is one thing that we usually take for granted, but it is a very important factor in managing time. A cluttered work station is almost always a time stealer as it usually takes time finding what something amidst the mess. Aside from that, it also creates a barrage of silent attention stealers shouting “Deal with me!” for you. An organized workstation can help your mind become at ease. Our minds usually respond well to an orderly environment. It allows us to keep our focus on the important things.

One way to effectively manage your activities within a fixed amount of available time is activity planning. You can plan your activities for the day so you can allocate ample time to accomplish them. Activity planning also helps you break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. This allows you to eliminate unnecessary stress. The next time you encounter an overwhelming task or a big project that seems too arduous, try activity planning. It definitely helps!

Lastly, when you have the opportunity, delegation is also an effective way of managing time. There are tasks you can delegate both at work and at home. Delegation can also be quite tricky to do. You need to consider the right person for the task. Sometimes, it can be confusing what you can delegate or not. As a key guide, you can always ask a few questions: 1. Is the task not too complex and someone has the right skill level to handle it? 2. Does the task not require extreme confidentiality? 3. Does the task keep me from high priority activities? – If you answered yes to all three questions, then you can delegate the task.

Understanding these five concepts is only the start of how you can manage time. You can still find out more ways on how you can manage your time. There isn’t a cookie-cutter approach for all challenges in managing time. One situation can differ from another. If you would like to learn more about managing time, you can also contact us or check our training calendar by clicking this link.


Time and Stress Management Workshop

Click here to REGISTER

When stressed, an individual’s performance drops. His productivity lowers. His health suffers. When employees are stressed, it may result to poor business performance. With our Time and Stess Management Module, you can help employees increase their stress thresholds as they learn to understand stress and why it can affect them.

One of the major sources stress would be deadlines and ineffective management of time. Because of this, the module covers topics in managing time effectively. This way, you can minimize your stress in managing deadlines and you can lead your way to a productive work day every time.
Module 1: Understanding Stress
   A. Statement of Course Objectives
   B. What is Stress?
   C. Facts About Stress (The interesting Ones)
   D. What are the Types of Stress? Eustress Vs Distress
Module 2: Your Stress – Doing Something About It
   A. Stress Self Check (Activity)
      1. Our Daily Stressors (Discussion of Some Day-to-Day Stress Sources)
      2. Burn Out VS Rust Out – Reactions to Stress (Activity)
   B. Adapting to Stress (Coping Styles)
   C. Activity: Creating A Stress Management Plan
   D. Lifestyle Changes
      1. Laughter
      2. Accessing Social Support
      3. Deep Breathing, Meditation, Visualization, and Yoga
      4. Exercise
      5. Sleep
      6. Balanced Diet
Module 3: Time Management
   A. Statement of Course Objectives
   B. What is time Management?
   C. Why do we need to manage time?
Module 4: Taking Action
   A. Biorhythms
   B. Procrastination
   C. Prioritization
   D. Effective Activity Planning
   E. Workspace Management
   F. Managing Daily Interruptions
   G. Delegation
   H. Debrief and Final Activities


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Coping With Stress (A Stress Management Module)

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Stress is a fact of life. Most people who work experience stress in some for. People’s stress limits are varied, too. Some people can handle much stress while some people can handle little stress. People handle stress in different ways: some productive, others non-productive. At some point in your life, you would have experienced something that stressed you. Stress however is something we can have some level of control over.

This work-shop based module provides the participants an understanding of Stress — what it is, how it affects people, and how people can cope with it. It provides new ideas and practical tips in stress management. It also provides information about how participants can guide themselves when faced with non-productive means of handling stress as it incorporates self-reflection and action planning exercises. This interactive approach provides a simple and practical solution to the problem that all employees face – Stress.


  • Understand what stress is and how it affects companies.
  • Know the different types of stress and correlate it with those encountered in the workplace
  • Identify your own stress sources and your threshold for stress.
  • Get tips on how we can adapt to stress.
  • Learn some things we can do to minimize stress in our daily lives — both at work and at home.
  • Learn to Create a Stress Management Plan
  • Know about some lifestyle changes one can adapt to minimize stress.


  • Self Assessments
  • Activities
  • Video Clips
  • Interactive Group Discussions
  • Sharing and Story-telling
  • Worksheets
  • Fun Discoveries

Who Should Attend:

  • Anyone


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