Arc Flash Hazzard Analysis

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Yearly, more than 3,000 disabling injuries resulting from preventable  electrical accidents in the workplace happen. Are you aware that ten to thirty times more accidents  result from electrical hazards compared to any other accidents happening in the workplaces?

What can an electrical engineer do to ensure safety in the workplace? A critical issue that must be put into top consideration in every work place is Electrical safety. Aside from losses in time, electrical accidents that result in damaged equipment increases your insurance premiums depleting your resource and revenue. Litigation and court hearings resulting from mishaps related to electrical accidents can also add up to your long list of expenses. Three of the top 10 OSHA violations gears toward more awareness into Electrical Safety. Arc Flash is one of the most common issues. An arc flash hazard program is implemented as part of the electrical safety program, which is part of the overall safety program of the company.

Arc Flash, also knows as flashover,  is defined by Wikipedia as part of an arc fault, a type of electrical explosion that results from a low-impedance connection to ground or another voltage phase in an electrical system. Arc Blast, on the other hand is an bigger form of arc flash creating sounds of up to 160 dB and debris as well as molten metal can be thrown up to 700 miles away. Arc flash can usually happen through some form of interaction — Whether human or mechanical interaction — during regular operations and maintenance. Poor maintenance of equipment debris can also result to an Arc Flash. Analyzing Arc Flash Hazards is important because it is part of risk management measures, it is required for safety, and it is imposed by laws. This course guides electrical Engineers into understanding the minimum requirements in Arc Flash management and best practices.


At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  • Enumerate the fundamental, principles of load flow analysis, short circuit analysis and protection coordination in relation to arc flash analysis
  • Determine arc flash hazard categories in relation to actual practices.
  • Review theories, formulas and techniques for power system analysis in relation to short circuit, coordination and arc flash hazard
  • Create and understand Arc Flash Hazard and its application.
  • Understand the use of protective device to mitigate arc flash hazard.
  • Maximize the use of protective devices: use of instantaneous function/ trip
  • Generate an Arc Flash hazard analysis using software (Paladin DesignBase formerly EDSA)

Who should attend:

  • Design Engineers
  • Safety Engineers / Electrical Engineers
  • Facility Engineers
  • Project and/or Construction Engineer
  • Maintenance Engineer
  • PEE, REE or graduate of Electrical Engineering

Entry of Competencies of Participants:

  • Electrical engineers, and electricians performing electrical system design, audit, installation, testing and maintenance

Course objective/Learning outcome

The course aims to provide people the knowledge and understanding of the existence, nature, causes and methods to prevent electrical hazards. The training also includes the selection of appropriate PPE through the use of IEEE Std. 1584 – 2018.

  • Familiarization about the common cause of Arc Flash
  • Determine the proper PPE to be used to mitigate the arc flash
  • Determine the arc flash rating and arc flash label using IEEE Std. 1584 – 2018





Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 75183271 or click here for alternative numbers.

Thermographic Surveying Course

Course Duration: 1 Day

Infrared thermography is one of the most valuable tools available for inspecting electrical systems. Too often, however, the use of the technology falls short of its potential full value. Why? A primary reason is our failure to understand the basic heat transfer science involved and, thus, misinterpret the thermal signature of a component possibly headed toward heat-related failure.


This course will present case studies that present real problems that the thermographer will experience in the field. This course objective is to give a proper training to engineers engage in this field, giving them a good understanding of radiation laws and parameters to take into consideration when carrying thermographic inspections and measurement. Participants learn to avoid costly mistakes.

Who Should Attend:

  • New Thermographer Surveyors.
  • Those intending to buy or use Infrared Thermography.
  • Service Providers providing Infrared Thermography services; and
  • Maintenance Engineers who are interested to learn Infrared Thermography as an advance tool in maintaining their own facility/assets.

Topics to be Discussed:

1. Infrared Safety.
a. Blast Hazard.
b. PPE.

2. History of Infrared Thermography.
a. Electromagnetic Spectrum.

3. Uses and Applications of Infrared Thermography

4. Thermal Instrumentation Overview.
a. Contact Sensor.
b. Non-Contact Sensor.
c. How does Infrared Camera work?

5. Basic Thermal Science
a. Definition of Heat.
b. Temperature vs. Heat.
c. Temperature Defined.
d. Units for Measuring Temperature.
e. Absolute Temperature Scales.
f. Relative Temperature Scales.
6. Basic Heat Transfer

a. Direction of Heat Flow
b. Conduction
c. Convection
d. Evaporation / Condensation
e. Radiation
f. Black Body
g. Real Targets

7. The Infrared Camera Measurement Functions
a. Level
b. Span
c. Isotherm
d. Spot Meter
e. Area Function
f. Image Capture

8. Thermal Image Interpretations & Shooting Techniques
a. High Emissivity
b. Low Emissivity
c. Thermal Gradient
d. Thermal Analysis
e. Thermal Tuning
f. Palettes
g. Reflection Recognition
h. Avoiding Spot Reflection

9. Reporting and Documentation.
a. Methodology.
