Philippines Human Resource Group held its first-ever learning session entitled “Strategies on Prominent Labor and Employee Related Issues for 2017” last March 25, 2017 at Ortigas library, Pasig city. The event gathered different HR gurus and experts that included Atty. Marisa Garcia, Atty. Jericho del Puerto, Mr. Allan Canete and Mr. Jaime Estrada to share their insights and knowledge about the current HR issues.
At the beginning, Mr. Darwin Rivers, founder of PHRG, welcomed the delegates with a quote, “Being successful is having the right mindset”. He then shared milestones in the history of PHRG; where it started off as a Yahoo group but now has 43,076 strong members in Facebook.
“Harmonious labor relationship and motivated workforce is equal to productivity, profitability and better terms and conditions,” Atty. Marisa Garcia said. Our first speaker, Atty. Marisa Garcia discussed the importance of HR personnel as a bridge between employees and management, furthermore, she added that, “a real HR knows the laws and has a heart”. Later on, “Penalty must commensurate to the offense”, Atty. Jericho del Puerto said during his talk. Atty. Puerto’s lecture supported Atty. Marisa Garcia where he talked about the avoidance of illegal dismissal and that penalty of dismissal has to be justified before doing so.
Before second part of the event, excitement heated up as the speakers entertained questions from the delegates, Ms. Penny Bongato, Success mentor and trainer also sharedsome HR insights based on her experiences.“What if there is ‘no return to work’ filed and employee doesn’t return?” one of the delegates asked. Atty. Garcia and Atty. del Puerto answered that you cannot file any dismissal against the employee because there is no documentation.
As the seminar continued, Mr. Allan Canete, the third speaker, said that, “union is a symptom of a deep organizational dysfunction”. He gave pieces of advice not on how to avoid union but to promote an employee-centric environment. He added that “before you can be customer-centric, you have to be employee-centric”.
“There’s no forever but for me, HR is forever”, Mr. Jaime Estrada said. He imparted his experiences as seasoned HR mentor and how he was able to maintain the harmony in their organization by giving an importance to culture, and that culture is the one that binds us.
Mr Danny Pancho entertained questions after the last two speakers. One of the delegates asked about engagement activities. “The team building should be relevant to the problem. It’s not just for fun. It should be aligned to business directions, focused on the mechanics” Mr. Allan Canete replied. Another question was raised from the delegates was, “what advice can you give for a young HR professional?” where Mr. Jaime Estrada replied, “Don’t stop learning, it’s not a matter of fad or fashion – show to people that HR is a noble profession”
The 1st leg of the Philippines HR Group Quarter Learning Sessions 2017 ended successfully – from the choice of venue to invited speakers, everything was arranged accordingly. Speakers were more than ready to attend to the queries of the delegates and their field of expertise perfectly matched to the current HR issues. The PHRG learning session was an interactive session where delegates can openly ask questions and speakers will gave answers based on the updated labor laws. “Cliché as it may seem but this is the turning point of your career” Ms. Rhonadale Florentino, secretary of the PHRG said as she closes the event. This is only the beginning of PHRG’s mission to share HR knowledge and build networks through its learning sessions. If you have not taken part on this event last March, never miss the opportunity to grab your seats on PHRG’s 2nd learning session this coming April 8 2017. One HR, one voice!
If you would like to see snapshots of what happened in this event, please watch the video below.