Encouraging Great Customer Service Excellence in the Philippines

Customer Service is something that is not given as much importance here in the Philippines as other countries do. The Philippine consumer appears to be less empowered and is not given as much importance and consideration as they should. If you visit your average local tea shop or sari-sari store, you will notice that some store owners or managers would provide you service and sell you goods without even looking you in the eye. While less often, the same practice can sometimes be seen in other middle class restaurants and fast food. A big percent of micro, small, and medium enterprise businesses in the Philippines close down within three years from its opening. The more advanced and more-success driven companies however know the difference that a good customer service can make for their company.

Customer Service 2

Your frontline staff who deals with customers, their direct supervisors, and your store managers all play a crucial role in providing a good experience to your customers. In a quick survey we have done among a small number of respondents, we have asked working class individuals age 23 to 40 about their favorite shops and why they go back to these stores. We have noted a very interesting response saying that she prefers to go to this certain mall because the sales ladies know where other stores are located and you can easily ask for directions. She compared this to another mall where she felt that even the security guards have totally no clue where to find stores in their establishment. Another respondent explained that she goes to this certain beauty and wellness store because their staff is really friendly. She said that they remember her name and always greeted her whenever she visits. In these examples, we can clearly that customer service can play a huge role in the decisions customers make when purchasing.

Good customer service builds customer loyalty. If customers are buying from your store only because they need a certain product, it is easy to lose them once a new store selling a similar or comparable product comes around. To add to this, having a staff that can build a friendly relationship with customers can help build trust. Customers look forward to getting recommendations about products that may be helpful to them and they usually want to get these from someone they trust. By having good customer service, you can increase your customer’s likelihood of buying more products. If you have excellent customer service, customers talk about you and refer you to their closest friends. While they do this, it helps you acquire new customers. Consumers tend to buy products that have worked for people within their community. They purchase products that are popular among their friends and those they have the closest affinities with. By having good customer service, you will be able to create an experience that your customers will likely tell their friends about.

If you would like to build your frontline staffs’ customer service skills to take advantage of these great benefits for your business, we encourage you to check our Effective Customer Service Workshop this coming 7 April 2017. For inquiries, you may also call us at (02) 433 3342.


Rapport Building through Effective Communications



In the current time, it matters not only what you say. Saying it the right way also matters. Influential individuals are those that not only convey information, but also those that are able to inspire and motivate. When presenting your business or product, it is usually very important that you know how to say things positively. Being in sales, and even in non-sales careers require that you know how to build rapport. It is very easy to get into a business meeting and lose the sale out of lack of rapport.

In this module, we explore how your communication style and positive phrasing can help you build rapport whether it is to clients, your officemates, your boss, new friends, or others. It will allow you to discover new approaches in starting good business relationships, and sometimes even friendly ones, with people.


Interactive Classroom discussion, multi-media (optional), exercises, and activities.


Managers, Supervisors, Office Staff, Sales Personnel, Customer Service Staff, Public Speakers, Counselors, and any others whose work includes talkingh to people.


I – Understanding Rapport
A. What is rapport?
B. Importance of rapport
C. Factors that affect Rapport

II – Conversational/Verbal Communication Skills
A. Listening Skills
B. Showing Your Listening Skills
C. An Empathy Statement

III – Breaking the Ice (Starting the Building-rapport process)
A. Initiating Small Talk
B. Display Listening Skills to Find Common Interest
C. Be Conscious of Your Non-Verbal Cues
D. Show Empathy
E. Use some Humor

IV – Positive Phrasing
A. Words to Use to convey positivism
B. Words to avoid
C. Common Scenarios Exercises

V- Final Activity and Workshop Debrief

Effective Customer Service Skills



Businesses are increasingly recognizing that, to be successful, they must place a high value on both their customers and customer service professionals. In this course, we will learn why customer service should be one of the top priorities in this increasingly competitive global economy.
In this dynamic, highly interactive workshop, you will learn what is good customer service? How can it go from good to great? What are the pitfalls that many people experience when trying to deliver customer service? Does attitude count? What is the best way to handle difficult customers? What techniques can be used to reduce customer-service stress? Find out the answers to these and other important customer-service questions during this information-packed training session. Participants will learn what exceptional service is, how to project a customer-friendly image, how to handle demanding customers, and more.

At this program’s conclusion, participants should be able to:

• Describe exceptional customer service.
• Identify the benefits of great customer service.
• Recognize barriers to the delivery of outstanding customer service.
• Adapt to specific customer behavior styles.
• Demonstrate how to measure customer-satisfaction levels and take corrective action if needed.
• Learn techniques for dealing with angry or upset customers.
• Develop a personal action plan to improve customer-service skills.


Module 1
– Definition of customer service
– Identify your customers
– Customer expectations
– Customer service objectives
– Customer service mission statement

Module 2

– Customer service skills
o Listening
o Anticipate
o Solution provider not a problem solver
– Handling a complaining client
o LEAP (listen, organize, apologize, provide solution)
o Plus F (feedback)
– Managing difficult situations

Module 3

– Customer Expectations
– Customer communication
– The Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication Tools
– Understanding Telephone/Cellphone Etiquette & Netiquette (Internet, Emails)
o Telephone Techniques
o Email ettiqutte
– Customer management

TLC (Think Like a Customer) – A Customer Service Thinking

Click Here to REGISTER

Businesses are increasingly recognizing that, to be successful, they must place a high value on both their customers and customer service professionals. In this course, we will learn why customer service should be one of the top priorities in this increasingly competitive global economy.

In this dynamic, highly interactive workshop, you will learn what is good customer service? How can it go from good to great? What are the pitfalls that many people experience when trying to deliver customer service? Does attitude count? What is the best way to handle difficult customers? What techniques can be used to reduce customer-service stress? Find out the answers to these and other important customer-service questions during this information-packed training session. Participants will learn what exceptional service is, how to project a customer-friendly image, how to handle demanding customers, and more.

In this program, participants should be able to:

   Describe exceptional customer service.
   Identify the benefits of great customer service.
   Recognize barriers to the delivery of outstanding customer service.
   Adapt to specific customer behavior styles.
   Demonstrate how to measure customer-satisfaction levels and take corrective action if needed.
   Learn techniques for dealing with angry or upset customers.
   Develop a personal action plan to improve customer-service skills.


Module 1
   Definition of customer service
   Identify your customers
   Customer expectations
   Customer service objectives
   Customer service mission statement

Module 2
   Customer service skills
   Solution provider not a problem solver
   Handling a complaining client
   LEAP (listen, organize, apologize, provide solution)
   Plus F (feedback)
   Managing difficult situations

Module 3
   Customer Expectations
   Customer communication
   Understanding Telephone/Cellphone Etiquette & Netiquette (Internet, Emails)
   Telephone Techniques
   Email ettiqutte
   Customer management


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to training@competad.com
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.