Navigating Changes

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They say that the only thing constant in the world is change. The same goes for any manager or leader. No leader can be at their best without knowing how to navigate change. Changes happen in the workplace often that it becomes challenging for some employees to cope at times. People are creatures of habit and change isn’t often welcomed with open arms. A leader’s primary responsibility is to act as the catalyst for change. Helping people go through change must begin from the leader. Although change is mostly sudden, there are some predictable aspects to change.
In this module, we will look at these predictable aspects and learn how we can go through the changes starting from its initial communication to execution to its final phases. We will also study how people react to change and what we can do to manage these reactions. How do we make the most out of people and how can we ensure that they understand the change? We will attempt to cover this in the module.
At the end of the module, the participants shall:
    *Understand the importance of embracing changes
    *Learn and understand the different stages of change
    *Learn best practices in communicating changes
    *Know tips that would minimize people’s resistance when navigating change.
I – Understanding Change
    A. What is Change?
    B. Importance of Change
    C. Characteristics of Change
    D. Stages of Change
II – Managing The Change
    A. Reactions to Change
    B. Why Most People Resist Change
    C. Communicating the Changes
    D. Getting People’s Buy-In
    E. Overcoming Resistance
    F. Realism Vs. Optimism
    G. Creativity In Solution Building
III – Final Activities


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
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3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.

Change Management Leadership Module (Guiding People through Changes)

This Module shall help business leaders in forming effective groups. This module is for companies with consistent changes, shuffling teams, merging programs, merging departments, and other such changes. It provides insights about how changes happen, what predictable stages it has, and how managers and supervisors can guide their direct reports thru such changes and minimize any costly business impacts caused by changes.

I – Introduction of Participants

II – Objectives and Topic Introduction

1. What is Change Management and why is It Important?
2. What are Some Effects of failure to manage people thru changes?
3. Premises of Change
4. Activity: Group Flipchat Activity (Process Change, People Change, Technological Change, Cultural Change)

III – Challenge of Integration (Putting together individuals into a single unit)

1. Symptoms of a Merger Drift (Discussion+Activity)
2. Adjustment Period (Apathy, preoccupation in the past, lack of commitment, resistance to change, etc.)
3. Dealing with New Team Members
4. Getting Back to Work
5. People’s Responses to Change (Discussion+Activity)
6. The ready
7. The Wanting
8. The Wrung Out
9. Steps in Building Our New Team and Moving On
10.How People Cope (Activity)

IV – The Stages in the Transition Process (What each step is and what to do in each)

1. Routine
2. Change
3. Acceptance and Denial
4. Letting Go
5. Confusion
6. AHA
7. Verification
8. Renewal

V – Debrief: Activity to identify where in the change process stages the participants are and how they can cope at that stage to get to the stage of renewal



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