Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination (with Hands-On)

Click Here to REGISTER


COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course aims to enhance your knowledge about proper installation of high voltage cable splices and terminations. Installing and testing cables correctly can ensure an increased life and value for your cables and is therefore important in increasing the longevity of your investment. Any technicians, electrical engineers, and electricians that does installation and maintenance as well as trouble shooting of power cables will benefit from this course.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) based in New York shares that inadequate testing and installation prior to initiating cable splices and termination are the main reasons for failures. However, despite its importance, cable splicing and testing professionals have dwindled in numbers over the past years. With a steady demand for trained professionals, knowledge in this area is definitely an advantage for any electrical professional.

     A. Understand and explain the components, construction, and structure of high voltage cables
     B. Differentiate different cable types and their varying applications
     C. Learn to properly prepare cables for splicing by using hand tools, solvents, and abrasives
     D. Learn and identify causes of failures in splices and termination
     E. Know the procedures relevant to OSHA safety requirements in relation to splices and termination

Any technicians, electrical engineers, and electricians that does installation and maintenance as well as trouble shooting of high voltage power cables

Interactive discussions, activities, lectures, and hands-on training

Day 1

I. Introduction
     A.Transmission and distribution
     B.Underground and overhead systems

II. Underground Cables
     A.Cable construction
     B.Types of power cables
     C.Cable configurations
     D.Cable standards

III. Splicing Theory
     A.Definition of cable splice
     B.Functions of high voltage splice
     C.Splice anatomy
     D.Industry standards in cable jointing
     E.Cable splicing technologies

IV. Termination Theory
     A.What is cable termination
     B.Cable termination classifications
     C.Stress control
     D.Types of insulation
     E.Cable termination industry standards
     F.Cable termination technologies

Day 2

V. Splice and terminating kit selection criteria
VI. Tools for splicing and termination VII. Cable preparation
VIII. Hands on cold shrink cable termination, upright and inverted type (15kV, tape shield power cable)
IX. Hands on cold shrink cable splice (15kV, tape shield power cable)






You may click the link to download the Registration Form and send it to or you may follow the instructions below.

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page.
2. You may also download the word attachment in the link on top and send it to
3. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration. For Free Events, you will not be receiving any Statement of Account.
4. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment, if applicable.
5. For paid events, you may send the signed and scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip, if applicable.
6. Should you need an official Billing Invoice for paid sessions, please call us at (02) 7508-3271.

COMPETAD’s 1st Cable Splicing and Termination Workshop – A Success

25 May 2016 – COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services has concluded the very first Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination in the Philippines. This training is only a few of its kind in the country.

Attended by nine participants from different parts of the archipelago, the learning event was a truly successful one. The first day was an introduction to the theories and principles behind the process of Cable Splicing and Termination while the second day was spent on hands-on training and practical application. It was a truly memorable, enjoyable, and worthwhile. All the participants added that they truly learned a lot from the session and they have also enjoyed the fun-facilitation of our trusted speaker.

Engr. Glenmar Cambri, the resource speaker for the said event, is a Senior Application Engineer of the 3M Philippines Technical Division. 3M is a world leader in engineering  and technology and is a prominent brand for cable splicing and termination equipment and supplies.

Cable Splicing Photo 1

At the end of the session, the participants were given an attendance certificate by COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services as well as an internationally recognized certificate of attendance from 3M.

COMPETAD Training and Professional Development Services would be holding succeeding sessions for the Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination. For inquiries, you may call us at (02) 433 3342 and at (0998)5624984 to 85. To be updated about our training and seminars, you may also like or leave a message at our Facebook page at

Cable Splicing Photo 2


Medium Voltage Cable Splicing and Termination (with Hands-On)

Click Here to REGISTER

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course aims to enhance your knowledge about proper installation of high voltage cable splices and terminations. Installing and testing cables correctly can ensure an increased life and value for your cables and is therefore important in increasing the longevity of your investment. Any technicians, electrical engineers, and electricians that does installation and maintenance as well as trouble shooting of power cables will benefit from this course.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) based in New York shares that inadequate testing and installation prior to initiating cable splices and termination are the main reasons for failures. However, despite its importance, cable splicing and testing professionals have dwindled in numbers over the past years. With a steady demand for trained professionals, knowledge in this area is definitely an advantage for any electrical professional.

     A. Understand and explain the components, construction, and structure of high voltage cables
     B. Differentiate different cable types and their varying applications
     C. Learn to properly prepare cables for splicing by using hand tools, solvents, and abrasives
     D. Learn and identify causes of failures in splices and termination
     E. Know the procedures relevant to OSHA safety requirements in relation to splices and termination

Any technicians, electrical engineers, and electricians that does installation and maintenance as well as trouble shooting of high voltage power cables

Interactive discussions, activities, lectures, and hands-on training

Day 1

I. Introduction
     A.Transmission and distribution
     B.Underground and overhead systems

II. Underground Cables
     A.Cable construction
     B.Types of power cables
     C.Cable configurations
     D.Cable standards

III. Splicing Theory
     A.Definition of cable splice
     B.Functions of high voltage splice
     C.Splice anatomy
     D.Industry standards in cable jointing
     E.Cable splicing technologies

IV. Termination Theory
     A.What is cable termination
     B.Cable termination classifications
     C.Stress control
     D.Types of insulation
     E.Cable termination industry standards
     F.Cable termination technologies

Day 2

V. Splice and terminating kit selection criteria
VI. Tools for splicing and termination VII. Cable preparation
VIII. Hands on cold shrink cable termination, upright and inverted type (15kV, tape shield power cable)
IX. Hands on cold shrink cable splice (15kV, tape shield power cable)


Registration Instructions: 

1. Fill out the registration form by clicking the link on top of this page. You may also download the MS Word attachment send it to
2. Our admin team shall send you shortly the Statement of Account/Confirmation of registration. Sign the statement of account to conform and finalize your registration and email the soft copy.
3. Follow the instructions in the statement of account and complete your payment.
4. Send the scanned copy of the Statement of Account and your deposit slip.
5. Should you need an official Billing Invoice, please call us at (02) 4333342 or click here for alternative numbers.