Course Description:
In today’s fast-paced, technical business environment, numbers are everything. Much of our success hinges on how well we can manage the data – statistics, planning, reporting – that we encounter on a daily basis. We learn how we are doing and discover our next course of action by studying numbers. An incredibly powerful tool for doing this is Microsoft Excel.
Microsoft Excel is the standard spreadsheet application for both the business world and personal use.
Course outline:
I – Navigating the Excel Program
- Parts of the excel program/the screen and basic terminologies
- Using Your Mouse and Keyboard
- Using the Menu
- Entering Values in Your Worksheet
- Saving and Reopening Your File
- Different Views
- Print Preview
II – Formatting
- Headers, Footers, and Page Numbers
- Adjusting the Printing Setup
- Adjusting Rows and Columns
- Merging Cells
- Boarders
- Colors and Patterns / Fill / Fonts
- Using the Format Painter
- Formatting Cell Values
III – Managing Your Worksheet
- Switching Between WorkSheets
- Inserting and deleting A Worksheet
- Renaming A WorkSheet
- Protecting a WorkSheet
- Hiding and Unhiding Worksheets
- Splitting and Freezing A Window
- Managing g Your Page Breaks
IV – Editing a Workbook
- Entering Date Values
- Replacing Cell contents
- How to Cut, Copy, Paste Cells
- Paste Special Option
- Inserting Cells
- Deleting Cells (rows and Columns)
V – Formulas
- Understanding Basic Formula
- Most Used Formulas
- Troubleshooting Formulas
VI – Charts and Graphs
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