Leadership and Supervisory Skills (Basic and Advanced)

Course Duration: 1 Day

This course provides a hefty discussion on how to take the next step and make big decisions. It allows leaders to revisit their perspectives and see a holistic and balanced approach to handling varying business situations and making decisions. It also gives a clearer understanding of where their place is in the business and how they can influence people through changes. This module also helps leaders see their role as a mentor, a counselor, a coach, and someone who inspires. 


  • To help leaders/supervisors understand their place in the business as well as how their values are important to the organization.
  • To realize the importance of looking at things one can control.
  • To learn how to set SMART Goals
  • To learn how to guide and inspire others.
  • To understand how people react to change and how leaders can deal with those reactions.
  • To learn the importance of feedback.


  • Self Assessments
  • Activities
  • Video Clips
  • Interactive Group Discussions
  • Sharing and Story-telling
  • Worksheets
  • Fun Discoveries

Who Should Attend: 

Anyone leading a team and influencing people to deliver results for their business.

Register Here!

Coping With Stress (A Stress Management Module)

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Stress is a fact of life. Most people who work experience stress in some for. People’s stress limits are varied, too. Some people can handle much stress while some people can handle little stress. People handle stress in different ways: some productive, others non-productive. At some point in your life, you would have experienced something that stressed you. Stress however is something we can have some level of control over.

This work-shop based module provides the participants an understanding of Stress — what it is, how it affects people, and how people can cope with it. It provides new ideas and practical tips in stress management. It also provides information about how participants can guide themselves when faced with non-productive means of handling stress as it incorporates self-reflection and action planning exercises. This interactive approach provides a simple and practical solution to the problem that all employees face – Stress.


  • Understand what stress is and how it affects companies.
  • Know the different types of stress and correlate it with those encountered in the workplace
  • Identify your own stress sources and your threshold for stress.
  • Get tips on how we can adapt to stress.
  • Learn some things we can do to minimize stress in our daily lives — both at work and at home.
  • Learn to Create a Stress Management Plan
  • Know about some lifestyle changes one can adapt to minimize stress.


  • Self Assessments
  • Activities
  • Video Clips
  • Interactive Group Discussions
  • Sharing and Story-telling
  • Worksheets
  • Fun Discoveries

Who Should Attend:

  • Anyone


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